What If I Had to Run a Campaign?
i’m so sorry for making this image I don’t want to run campaigns anymore . But if I had to, what system would I choose? I know a lot of people run extended campaigns using OSR systems, or even using lighter systems like Cairn or Into the Odd . Honestly, assuming several months of weekly play, I think I would get pretty bored. These are systems that, to my mind, are very focused on one style or, perhaps more accurately, structure of play. You’re “crawling” through something—dungeon rooms, hexes, points. There are things that drain your resources. You can only afford to lose so many resources before you die and have to make a new character. It’s a fun structure! I’m literally designing two whole games around dungeon crawls. But, I’m impatient. I want something new or exciting to happen every session. I get bored doing the same thing, playing through the same kind of scenario over and over again. With Goblets & Grues , I hope that I will be able to get a lot of excitement out of run...